Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Simple Things

I mentioned before about the value of taking things at a more leisurely pace in Africa (Pole, Pole).  Another value that I’ve personally come to respect about life in Tanzania is appreciating the simple things.  As a foreigner living in a completely different culture, you tend to open your eyes a bit more to your surroundings and become a lot more self aware about who you are and your life in that different culture.

As each day brings a new challenge, it also brings the joys of overcoming those challenges and respecting the fact that there are many simple things in life here that probably go unappreciated back home.  Simple moments like sharing a laugh with colleagues and friends, slowly sipping and enjoying a cold soda, a fresh piece of fruit or vegetable from the market, a successfully cooked meal, getting a seat on the bus into town (as opposed to standing in an extremely cramped bus), a quiet evening with time to read or write, and the power of a greeting and a smile as you approach a friend or even a stranger.

While the initial wave of challenges of adaptation to a new culture begin to wane, I’m beginning more and more to understand the key to truly enjoying life in Tanzania and getting the most of this experience- appreciate the simple things.

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