Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Farewell to New Friends

When I arrived at Mzumbe Secondary School, there were many pleasant surprises, one of which was the fact that there were so many other young teachers!  Quickly these young faculty members (there were about 15) quickly became my friends, as they were the ones who were always the most welcoming and curious about life in America.  It was great to become friends with other Tanzanian teachers, most of whom were my age.  What I came to realize a couple of weeks ago, was that just about all of them were at Mzumbe only for about two months as part of their Teaching Practice for their studies at their respective University.  I was a bit saddened to learn that so many of my new friends would be departing, not only because I had become close with most them, but also because I realized that so many teachers would be leaving the school!  I’ll be curious to see how the school fills the classes that are now found teacher-less.  It will also be very quiet in the staff room with only a few other colleagues there.

The other evening on the last day of their practice, one of my neighbors and fellow teachers hosted a very nice dinner for the departing teachers and other guests (including myself).  It was a really enjoyable evening to get to know my friends further, and enjoy a great Tanzanian meal and hospitality.  There were a lot of laughs (especially when we all had to talk a little about ourselves and even discuss our marital status), and also a lot of warm thanks and wisdom given from the older teachers who hosted the dinner. 

Although I’m sad to see my new friends go so soon, I’m happy to know that in my brief time here so far that I’ve made close friends that I’ll hopefully get to see again throughout the year.  I know that with some colleagues that are departing I’ll be able to make even stronger friendships and connections with the ones that I still get to see everyday and the new people who will be joining the Mzumbe community as the year continues.

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