Monday, June 28, 2010


As you might be able to tell from that common Swahili greeting, today we started learning a bit of Kiswahili.  Mostly we learned greetings, which apparently are very very important and essential to know, and can get you a long way in Tanzania.  There are many greetings for different times of the day, general greetings, and greetings that are more age appropriate.  For example, a common greeting to say to a young person would be “Mambo!” to which the response would be “Poa” or “Safi” meaning “cool.”  A common respectful greeting for an elder would be “Shikamoo,” to which the response would be “Marahaba.”  Apparently, this will be a common greeting from my students.

Already I can tell how important the language training will be, because once you get out into the streets amongst the Tanzanian people, just even knowing the common greetings puts you more at ease and you start to feel less like an outsider.  I can certainly see how sinple greetings and respect will get you far here.

Besides beginning our formal teaching and language training, we’ve already spent a bit of time out and about in Dar es Salaam.  Yesterday we traveled into the city center, where we saw the main marketplace (Kariakoo) that housed many local merchants selling goods, the fish market by the shore, and many of the government and commercial buildings throughout the city.  It was a bit hot, but a gorgeous day to explore Dar.  Also, since it was a Sunday and most of the shops and businesses were closed, it was a nice, quiet day to see the city without being overwhelmed.

Our other experiences in Tanzania so far have been pretty low key, as we’re just slowly settling in.  Some nights we’ve been able to get out and check out a local restaurant or bar.  It’s been great to get to know my fellow volunteers and share many of the expectations we all have for the next year.  In a new culture it’s nice to have a good support system as you face many of the same challenges adjusting.

I know I’ve promised pictures, but since the internet connection is a bit slow where I am currently, it might take a while until I can get some good ones uploaded.  I promise they’ll be worth the wait.

For now, tutaonana!  Usiko mwema! (Goodbye!  Have a good night!)

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