Thursday, June 3, 2010


One of the fun and exciting parts of my preparation is getting to tell people about what I'm going to be doing in the coming year.  I love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm about the WorldTeach program, as well as information about Tanzania itself.  Since I get a lot of common questions asked, I thought it might be appropriate to compile a few of the frequently asked questions.  I should clarify, that these answers are based on the knowledge I have currently, and of course they'll most likely change as my trip commences.  I also urge you to take a look at the links on this page for more information on WorldTeach and on Tanzania.

Where is Tanzania located in Africa?
Tanzania is a country located on the mid-eastern coast of the African continent.  A basic map gives you a good idea of where on the continent the country is located.

What's the country like?
From my initial research, Tanzania has been known to be one of the more stable and peaceful countries on the continent.  It is known to be a major tourist destination, with many sites including the Serengeti National Park, various game reserves and Mt. Kilimanjaro.

What language is spoken in Tanzania?
The two official languages in Tanzania are Kiswahili (Swahili), and English.  Swahili is the more commonly used language, but English is language of business and education.

Are you going with a program?
I will be traveling to Tanzania through WorldTeach, and organization that sends volunteers of all backgrounds to various developing countries throughout the world to serve as teachers.  I'll be traveling with a group of about 6-7 other volunteers from other parts of the US.  For more information, please check out the excellent WorldTeach website, which can answer many more FAQs about the program.

What is your housing situation?
Largely TBD, along with my specific placement in Tanzania.  Once I get my specific placement information (where I'll be in the country, etc), I'll be sure to share it with everyone.  For housing, since I'll be working for the Ministry of Education, my accomodations will be provided by the Ministry and I'll most likely be in teacher housing, along with other teachers and volunteers.

What/who will you be teaching?
I will be teaching secondary level students (high school level) in Tanzania.  Since most primary education in Tanzania is free, and secondary education costs more money and is more of a financial hardship for most families, there is a need for more teachers at the secondary level.  As for the subject, I will be primarily teaching English, and possibly math and/or science as needed.

Will you be traveling/coming back to the US at all during the year?
I will have a couple of shorter breaks throughout the year (in Sept, and in March), as well as about a month off in Dec/Jan.  I do plan to travel while I'm there.  I hope to see Kilimanjaro, and see other parts of Tanzania and East Africa.  I don't plan on coming back to the US during my year there, since it's time consuming and expensive.  Plus, I really want to use my time off to travel as much as I can.

Are you going to the World Cup?
I've gotten asked this question quite a bit.  It's sad for me to admit that honestly I'm not that big of a soccer fan, but I'm hoping that will change since I'll be in a place where Soccer is so revered.  Also, since South Africa is very far away from Tanzania, and by the time I get there the World Cup will be half over, I won't be making it to any of the games.

If there are any other questions you'd like to have answered, please feel free to e-mail me or leave any in the comments.  I'd be thrilled to answer any and all questions and may have another similar post coming up in the weeks leading up to my departure.