Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Culture Shock

While this experience has already been quite exciting and rewarding thus far, unfortunately there are also a few unpleasant challenges that usually occur when living abroad.  One of these interesting phenomena when traveling and living abroad is experiencing culture shock.  This usually occurs a few weeks after arrival, once the euphoria and thrill of arriving in country has worn off.  It’s filled with a lot of mixed emotions, since the reality of being in a foreign country as an outsider hits hard.  Since this is the biggest change I’ve experienced abroad, the effects of culture shock have unfortunately hit me a bit harder than I’ve felt before.  Finally being on my own away from my other volunteers has forced me to confront the challenges I have ahead- including struggling to learn and understand the language and customs, coping with being on my own apart from my new friends, and learning to become comfortable with a lifestyle that is far different from the one I was used to back home.  On top of this, I must also face the challenges that being a first year teacher will bring.

Although culture shock can be quite unpleasant, knowing that it is completely normal and eventually will pass is comforting to know.  I know once I develop more routines and get used to my new surroundings, that the unpleasant feelings will pass.  While it may be difficult now, I know that when I look back upon this time I will realize how much stronger it has made me.


  1. Dude. Check in to the nearest Four Seasons

  2. What's the biggest culture shock? Just wondering....

  3. Probably the two most difficult things to deal with (initially), were feeling like a complete outsider, and also confronting the fact that I have to be much more self sufficient (cooking, cleaning, etc) that I ever have been before. Little by little, I'm getting adjusted to both of these aspects of life here, but being here you definitely appreciate how easy life can be back in the U.S.
